
Facts and figures

23 member companies from Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Norway, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom combine their efforts through IMEMG (Insensitive Munitions European Manufacturers Group)

Via specific Expert Working Groups, 35 experts from the member companies, look into, study and compare IM requirements to achieve common standards.

Where do we come from ?

  • 8th October 2001: signature of a “Letter of Intent” for the creation of the European IM/MURAT Organisation (IMEMG)
  • 1st October 2002: preliminary IM European Manufacturers Group (IMEMG) Executive Meeting

IM Environment

STANAG* 4439. This NATO Agreement aims to establish a standardisation policy for the development, assessment and testing for Insensitive Munitions. The first edition was released on March 1995.


2008: STANAG 4439 Ed.2 was ratified by NATO nations.

2010: STANAG 4439 Ed.3 ratified by NATO nations and AOP 39 Ed.3 follows the same process.

More about IM Policies and Regulations