
The Expert Working Groups: our think tanks

EWG 1: FCO test procedures

Harmonisation and improvements to the test procedure for Fast Cook Off (STANAG 4240).

Specific tasks are assigned.

EWG 2: Computer models for IM Performance

A review of Computer Models to aid the design and assessment of IM performance.

Specific tasks are assigned.

EWG 3: Hazard Assessment and Classification

The harmonisation of International test procedures and acceptance criteria for Shaped Charge Jet Attack and The harmonisation of Gap Test Criteria for Hazard Classification of Rocket Propellants.

Specific tasks are assigned.

EWG 4: Effects of Ageing

The effects of ageing on IM response or on the properties of energetic materials which could influence IM response.

Specific tasks are assigned.

EWG 5: Cost / Benefit Analysis

To promote and establish the state of the art of IM Cost Benefit Analysis.

Specific tasks are assigned.

The EWG ascertains customer and user requirement and proposes implement refinements of the supporting tools if necessary.

Ad-hoc temporary Expert Working Groups and Sub-Committees are launched whenever necessary.